Monday, December 8, 2014

A Note from Halden Zimmermann on Best Practices

Halden Zimmermann's Latest Blog Post

Halden Zimmermann’s latest blog post


Our upper management focuses on addressing gaps in operations by constructing Alcan’s Best Practice Network teams. Middle managers then have employees participate in the Best Practice teams to gain exposure to available new Best Practices. Team members are tasked with taking the Best Practice back to operations and leading the implementation.

As project teams develop solutions, we want to take advantage of them and share these new standard methodologies throughout the entire organization. The mechanism for sharing these is called the Best Practice Networks. ProjX, the online CI database, can help us see what solutions already exist.

Alcan Packaging is large and has many facilities and businesses worldwide. Each of our businesses has developed methodologies or processes to improve market competitiveness. Best Practice Networks allow the entire company to benefit from lessons we have learned from individual projects completed at every level of our organization. How we all leverage what we’ve learned can benefit the entire company.

Our Best Practices methodology focuses on finding projects that maximize value and then implements them across the organization. The Best Practice Network allows us managers to reference and even shop for proven systems successes so we can implement them to benefit our business. Please note: Improvement can be made even if a current Best Practice is being used or if an operation is considered a Best Practice site. This process is perpetual, and CI tools help us to continually re-evaluate our systems and methods to maximize value even if we are a “Best in Class” facility.

A Best Practice is an existing practice or process that is transferable. It represents a significant and demonstrated improvement.

It is:

Any practice, knowledge, know-how or experience that has been proven valuable or effective within one organization and may apply to other organizations. It has been successfully demonstrated (even locally), is sharable and transferable (with limited delay) and is beneficial (measurable and tied to key priorities).

It is not:

Just an idea, a brand-new concept or an R&D project.

from Halden Zimmermann

from WordPress

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